Estimated Delivery Date
The estimated delivery date is when your order should arrive. Generally, the estimated delivery date is based on a combination of the processing time for the items you ordered, the transit time, and today’s date. For school attire, the delivery time is about two to four weeks. And books usually take about four to eight weeks; and longer if the supplier is out of stock.
Delivery will be made to the address specified by Customer on the completed order form.
Shipping Rates by PosLaju
Shipments by sellers using PosLaju will be sent out from Monday to Friday. Customers who select this option should receive their order within 7 working days of shipment, excluding holidays.
Estimated Delivery Date
Once the shipment arrives, we will process the orders and arrange for the On Demand Delivery service to addresses within the Klang Valley via GoGet, Grab or other similar services. Delivery will be made to the address specified by Customer on the completed order form. On-demand Deliveries are charged a flat fee of RM20.00.
The return/exchange/refund policy will be different depending on the vendors. Please contact the vendor to check on their terms.
Exchange & Return Policy for Textbook orders
- Exchanges will be accepted within 7 days upon receipt of your item.
- Complete the Textbook Return & Exchange Form and submit it to us
- Pack the item neatly and securely together with the invoice.
- Return the package to the admin office of the school your child is studying in.
- We regret that no refund will be made.
- *Note: The delivery cost of returning and exchanged item(s) will be borne by customer.
Return Policy for School Attire
We offer free and easy returns of school attire to the vendor within 7 days upon receipt of your items. You can choose one of the following options:
- Exchange the attire for a different size
- Replacement for a wrong or defective item sent
Returns Process:
- Fill in and submit the online return form below.
- Pack the item neatly and securely together with the invoice.
- Label the package with the order number, student name and class.
- Return the package to the admin office of the school your child is studying in.
The vendor will deliver the exchange to the school indicated, and you will be informed when the item arrives. The exchange is expected to take 2-3 weeks.